Papa, Mama, K Lee arrived 31 March, Thursday nite around 9ish. We didnt do much that night but just a quick chillax session. Best! A lot of stuffs from Msia including 3 pairs of Vincci Shoes !! Yey!! Suka giler kot.. barang2 spices and food from msia tok sah ckp la... :)
My graduation the next day 1 April, Friday. At around 11am kitaorg kua from home. Nice and easy walk to UNSW. amik2 gambar pe smer. Heee. Pictures dh upload kat FB, tp blm share lagi :)
*1 year : Master of Commerce
1.5 years : Master of Commerce (1 specialisation)
2 yrs (extension of the above) :
You will earn Master of Commerce (2 specialisations or 1 specialisation with Elective)*
Oh yea, my sister missed her graduation this session, so dia akan join International Graduation Session 2011 kat Hong Kong, 24 September. Heeee.. 4 days before my Birthday! Ni nk pergi ni.. Ahaks.. Nnt pk cmne..
2nd April, the three of em pergi NZ. Shairah x join sbb dh pernah pergi dlu plus x blh nk amik cuti. (Maklumlah 6-15 May cuti2 to Indonesia, Bali & Makassar).
I am soooo looking forward for the next few weeks sebab :
1) Bro is coming over AGAIN to Down Under (Insya Allah 15 April - 6 May)
2) Easter Break is coming soon! Wot Wot, Gold Coast here I come again(21 April - 26 April)
3) ASOT 500 Armin Van Burren 16 April(last year met Tiesto 2x, this year 2nd time to meet AVB)
Weekdays kerja gila2, Weekends chillax. In a blink of eyes, cuti2!!
3rd April Daylight Savings END!!
Heee. so what's next for me? :) Asal dah grad je mesti org tanye kawen bile. Bile ? I reserved my comments at this stage.. TQVM...
Ps : Wait for my next entry for more news on what's going on :)
Ps : Wait for my next entry for more news on what's going on :)
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